Dr. Howard,
I just want to thank you again for directing me
to your website. I am not usually technology challenged but for
some reason I could not find the study on Leviticus.
The other reason I am writing you is to thank you
for your message. I have just started my studies of Leviticus and
I find the Bible being opened in a brand new way. I am grateful
for your years of study and dedication to teaching and proclaiming
the message that God has for all mankind. I was convicted to share
this message with you due to the overwhelming joy and happiness
it brings me to study Gods word. I felt it was important that I
tell you that the words God put in your heart and mind has touched
someone who is striving toward the goal!
Thanks again and I hope to be able to take more
classes from you in the future.
Until I have another praise or question.
In His Service,
Jonathan L. Raymond